Thursday, 19 July 2018

The Four New Fitness Trends That You Need To Know

If you have put on a few extra pounds over Christmas and New Year’s then well done, it sounds like you had a great time. However, if you started thinking about the little weight you gain then its okay to go for new trendy workouts.  The craze of getting fit has increased with due course of time. Youth and teens are getting motivated from celebrities perfectly toned body. Many of them started joining in fitness activities and youth fitness classes in NYC, which is a great thing.  

If you want to get fit the way the celebrities do, you might need to change your exercise regime. There are different trends for fitness that you need to know. A whole new host of fitness trends to get to grip with, so to make sure your life is a bit easier, check out this new fitness trends and add them to your fitness routine.

1.  Water Workout

Forget the water aerobics classes that you wanted to join during summers but you didn’t. This is a serious HIIT work out in water that will appeal to anyone looking for a work out that delivers good results. The workout involves timed sprints, lengths that isolate your top or bottom half and aqua jogging.

2.  High Energy Athletic Training

The trend to train like an athlete and focus on improving performance through a specialized approach to fitness is growing.  This demand has covered the way to the new highly innovative athletic training program. High energy athletic training is a set of big workouts for a fit body. High-performance training that uses sports-focused theory to increase cardiovascular endurance and all-around strength.

3. 360 Fitness

Now people are most interested in how to improve fitness from the inside out, whether it’s for training for a marathon or generally getting into fitness. There’s an increased desire for knowledge on how to increase performance through pre and post workouts activities. 360 fitness will focus on three vital components like Reformer Pilates, sports massage, and physiotherapy.

4.  Virtual Boxing

The program is comprised of a series of 30-minute video of choreographed sequences that you can simply do at home. The program includes five shadow-boxing rounds, alternated with high-intensity intervals and culminating in a “knockout round” at the end. Each program can burn your calories up to 600, improves strength, speed and coordination. The best part is it will continue to burn calories for 12 hours after you’ve finished.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Top 5 Biggest Fitness Trends of 2018

Being fit has been a trend for years now. Working out never goes out of fashion especially because it has remarkable health benefits. The noticeable effects of exercise keep us motivated and help us in performing better. Working out at least four times a week is great for your mind, body, and soul. A quick Pilates session, youth training, and gym session are just few examples of workout as there is so much to it.

Every now and then we keep seeing celebrities, personal trainers and gym enthusiast using latest types of equipment, new workout sessions, and high-intensity workouts. Especially in ‘The Big Apple’ people are very particular about their workout regime. They prefer using latest equipment and trends to boost their workout session. If you want to be healthy then start your work out today. You can look for senior fitness specialist in NYC who can help you in your workout session from the inception.

Every year has different trends in clothes, style, fashion as well as in fitness. It is almost mid of the year 2018, so let us have a close look at the biggest and most popular fitness trends of the year.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

If you are a fitness enthusiast you would have heard about HIIT.  And probably be doing it at the gym. HIIT has been in trend for a while now. It topped the list in 2014 and tops it in 2018 too. HIIT workout training session includes a vigorous workout that involves maximum effort for around 20 to 90 seconds which is followed by low-intensity recovery period of typically short time. These workouts are of half an hour or so but can vary from person to person. It is recommended not to do this training session on a daily basis as it can cause injury as a result of overtraining.

Body Weight Training

No equipment workouts are getting more and more popular every day. Primarily because they are easy to learn, can be modified and are easy to perform anywhere. Some classic examples of bodyweight training that have been in fashion for a long time are pushups and pull-ups. Squats, dips, lunges, plank are few more examples that you can choose for your body weight training.

Strength Training

Gone are the days when people thought strength training is only for buff people. Strength training is the latest fitness trend and continues to rule our list. It helps you in gaining lean muscle and burning fat as it helps in maintaining metabolism. Strength training helps in maintaining muscle mass in the long run, keeps your bones strong, prevents injury and strengthens your heart.

Personal Training Sessions

 Getting a personal trainer means getting one on one time and reaching your goals faster. These trainers come to your home at your desired time and are best suited for people who have busy schedules. These trainers focus on your problem areas and design a workout routine for especially for you. Realistically, personal training is not possible for everyone as it can be quite expensive.

Fitness Programs for Older People

These days almost everybody is into fitness be it teenagers, youngsters, or older adults. There are so many fitness programs that are specifically designed to target older people. These programs help in strengthening the muscles and bones of the older people who need it the most. And has amazing health benefits to it. After all, getting active at any age never goes out of trend. 

Sunday, 3 June 2018

An Introduction to Pilates Training and its Major Benefits

Everybody knows that exercise is good for health, but with so many exercises and options available, it becomes very difficult to judge the best ones for you. While weight training is important to tone down your muscles, we really need to do more matt work as well. And what better thing to do that than Pilates mat training sessions. There are so many health benefits of Pilates that you wouldn’t mind trying your hands at this amazing workout session on a daily basis.
In New York City, you can find a number of training centers that offer Pilates sessions. You can even say that it is a hub of Pilates training. So, you can benefit from Pilates training in NYC and make the most of it. With time you will start experiencing remarkable results and amazing health benefits that will ultimately motivate you to perform better.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is nothing new, it was introduced by Joseph Pilates in 1920. But recently Pilates have emerged in the field of fitness due to its major health benefits. Exercise that is included in Pilates matt training session mainly focus on developing longer, leaner muscles and ultimately increasing your core strength. It not only energizes you but also relaxes your mind, body, and soul. Pilates is a superb option to tone down your muscles through whole body workout that focuses on the core to lengthen down our muscles. These exercises enable you to have more control over your body and increase the sense of awareness around you.  Now, that you know about Pilates let us have look at some of the major health benefits that it has to offer.

    Great way to improve your posture

Hours and hours of work at the office and bad lifestyle can affect our posture that can cause severe back pain and neck stiffness. Pilates can majorly help in improving your posture by ensuring your muscles relax and do not strain in order to hold your body. Instead, Pilates works best to align your body that promotes a good posture.

    Increase your stamina

Pilates sessions involve the practice of certain exercise that follows various repetitions. These sessions help in building stamina and endurance. With time, you will learn how to make the most out of an exercise and even perform better at it without getting exhausted.

    Builds core strength

Core muscles of the body include – abdomen, back, and pelvic muscles. These are the muscles that basically help us in maintaining - a good posture, well built and acrobatic back. When the core muscles are strong it helps in building a strong body. Pilates is  best training to enhance your core strength and build lean muscles.

    Assists in weight loss

Practicing Pilates daily can definitely transform your body. The basic idea behind Pilates is to build long and lean muscles. Pilates tone down your muscles and helps in burning down the fat. Combined with weights and aerobics Pilates is a great workout in case you want to lose those extra pounds.

    Helps in reducing stress

Pilates sessions are a great way to relax and rejuvenate your body after a hectic schedule. It focuses on breathing and exercising, and improves blood circulation that de-stresses your mind. Pilates deep breathing sessions help in releasing tension and bring soothing as well as calming effect on your mind and body.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

What Will You Get From Senior Fitness Personal Training NYC?

There are a few things that hold maximum importance in your life and health is one of the most imperative from those. Day by day, you will face health issues and fitness problems that can affect your physical as well as mental attention. Therefore, you should be careful about your health and fitness. Senior fitness personal training NYC is one stop solution that provides you an effective way to live long, healthy and fit. Not more but a few plans can help you to avoid many health issues. Only a good trainer knows the vital workouts and diet plans that are necessary to maintain your fitness.

Moreover, you will feel relaxed and stress free. Extra fat can make you lazy and sick hence you should do regular workout and other needed activates with the help of a personal trainer. Many fitness trainers provide home training in order to facilitate people those cannot go Jim regularly. Nowadays, things become easier and convenient as online help is there. You can choose your personal trainer online from your home. However, you can watch their training programs and learn a lot more. Hope you will agree to hire a personal trainer. If still, you have any doubt, read more benefits to clear all your queries.

Top Benefits That You Will Get From Senior Fitness Personal Training NYC

·         Effective workout plan

The workout is necessary to release stress and extra calories from your body. For it, you need to make an effective plan that provides you more flexibility and effectiveness. If you pick a wrong workout that may not suite your body, it can harm your fitness or health. Hence, senior fitness personal training NYC can guide to make an effective workout plan.

·         Personal awareness

If you join a Jim to workout, a trainer may not be able to provide more personal attention as you are expecting. Due to more strength, they have to divide their awareness. Senior fitness personal training NYC will give you complete attention and needed advice as you are expecting.

·         Stay healthy and active

Personal training helps you in living healthy and fit. If you are healthy then you can solve any problem that is arising in your personal or professional life. If you want to stay healthy and fit, you should get in touch with a personal fitness trainer.

·         Required diet plan

Senior fitness personal trainer will provide you a healthy and required diet plan that suits your body and health. Diet plan is also a major part of your fitness training.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

What Are The Benefits Of In Home Personal Training NYC?

If there is one thing which holds maximum importance in the life of every person throughout the world, it is nothing but the health! Yes, your health is the most important and valuable asset you possess. It doesn’t matter how many cars you have or how much bank balance you have; if you are not healthy, you are not living your life in the true sense.

Having said that, it is imperative to take care of your health in the best possible manner and that too on a regular basis! What do you think is the best way to achieve the same? Well, most of the people will vote for going to the gym and fitness clubs but if you observe carefully, you will realize that the personal training option is probably the best. Why? Let us explain the same to you!

Top Benefits Of In Home Personal Training NYC

·         Great Convenience

The very first benefit of hiring a personal trainer is the fact that you get a lot of conveniences. You do not have to go out of the house and work out in front of so many people. All you have to do is feel the comfort of your home and work out as the way you like it.

·         Personal Attention

If you observe carefully, you will realize that a limited number of trainers are available in the gyms and it is very difficult for the trainers to give personal attention to every person. This is not the case when you hire a personal trainer as the only focus of your trainer is you and he/she will make sure that you are doing things in the right way by constantly observing and guiding you.

·         Unique Workout Plan Just For You

Each and every person has his own abilities and disabilities, strengths and weaknesses. The in home personal training NYC will make a workout plan exclusively for you which is built around your personality and quality traits. This way you will be able to give your best shot and avoid all the injuries that affect most of the people. This is not what you get in the health clubs!

·         Time-Saving

You definitely save a lot of time as first of all, you do not have to go out for the training. Secondly, you do not have to wait like you do in the gym for trying an exercise or for the trainer. So, in short, it is completely a win-win situation for you.