Thursday, 19 July 2018

The Four New Fitness Trends That You Need To Know

If you have put on a few extra pounds over Christmas and New Year’s then well done, it sounds like you had a great time. However, if you started thinking about the little weight you gain then its okay to go for new trendy workouts.  The craze of getting fit has increased with due course of time. Youth and teens are getting motivated from celebrities perfectly toned body. Many of them started joining in fitness activities and youth fitness classes in NYC, which is a great thing.  

If you want to get fit the way the celebrities do, you might need to change your exercise regime. There are different trends for fitness that you need to know. A whole new host of fitness trends to get to grip with, so to make sure your life is a bit easier, check out this new fitness trends and add them to your fitness routine.

1.  Water Workout

Forget the water aerobics classes that you wanted to join during summers but you didn’t. This is a serious HIIT work out in water that will appeal to anyone looking for a work out that delivers good results. The workout involves timed sprints, lengths that isolate your top or bottom half and aqua jogging.

2.  High Energy Athletic Training

The trend to train like an athlete and focus on improving performance through a specialized approach to fitness is growing.  This demand has covered the way to the new highly innovative athletic training program. High energy athletic training is a set of big workouts for a fit body. High-performance training that uses sports-focused theory to increase cardiovascular endurance and all-around strength.

3. 360 Fitness

Now people are most interested in how to improve fitness from the inside out, whether it’s for training for a marathon or generally getting into fitness. There’s an increased desire for knowledge on how to increase performance through pre and post workouts activities. 360 fitness will focus on three vital components like Reformer Pilates, sports massage, and physiotherapy.

4.  Virtual Boxing

The program is comprised of a series of 30-minute video of choreographed sequences that you can simply do at home. The program includes five shadow-boxing rounds, alternated with high-intensity intervals and culminating in a “knockout round” at the end. Each program can burn your calories up to 600, improves strength, speed and coordination. The best part is it will continue to burn calories for 12 hours after you’ve finished.

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