Thursday, 7 March 2019

A Perfect Wellness Plan for Corporate Offices

When it comes to health people are getting more conscious about it. However, working in a 9 to 5 job does make it all difficult to devote time to physical wellness. These days the reason for most of the problems like obesity, heart problems, hypertension, and so many others is because of the sedentary lifestyle. Most of the people spend their time at workplaces and tend to live a very inactive life. Therefore it is very important to integrate a wellness plan in corporate offices because it is the place the employees spend most of the time.

Getting corporate fitness training in NYC is a great option because you are bound to spend most of the time there so it is important to take care of mental and physical wellness. Most of the employees in New York do understand the role of wellness at the workplace and how important it is for the employees. Wellness programs like these do keep you positive and deliver the best results. However, there are a number of ways through which you can improve wellness at corporate offices.

•    Have a clear understanding of your goals

A corporate wellness program without a goal is of no use. It is not like you want to plan all of sudden and incorporate that at work. You shall look forward to measurable goals in order to determine the progress of the wellness program at work.
The program must focus on creating, promoting and expanding fitness in the work culture. The goal should also strive towards helping employee’s combat health-related problems and incorporate mental well-being among the team.

•    A work space that focuses on wellness

When we talk about corporate wellness it is important to create an environment that focuses on a healthy environment. While including a wellness program make sure it does not make the employees feel like a burden or just another task. It shall be interesting and engaging for the employees.

•    Introduce health-based programs during the break

Especially at work employees try to indulge in eating unhealthy stuff. So one of the best things can be to introduce and provide specific knowledge to employees. However, this does not mean that you need to force them to make certain changes in life. You can include corporate luncheons to boost the morale of the employees but make sure to include healthy options. At the same time, you can add some information on the importance of a healthy diet. To do this you can add healthy catering options for lunch and also enlighten employees on topics like stress management, mental health and more.

•    Involve employees to be healthier through a great cause

Many times due to extreme work pressure it can be really difficult to involve employees in some activities and programs. Therefore it is important to include the existing program by indulging in greater events and programs that target towards wellness.

•    Ask employees to track their improvements

It is important to track the improvements of the employees. If you have included a wellness program at the workplace then one of the most important things to do is to keep a track on their performance. You can ask employees to track their individual performance. They might experience changes in the lifestyle, weight, and health so it is important to keep a track.

Monday, 4 February 2019


Having a 6 ft height is like dream come true. Now, parents are more concern about their children height. If you are having good height then it will build your confidence to a whole new level. You might know height is determined from the genes of your parents. There are so many health experts believe that eating healthy food will help you to increase your height. If you are including healthy food items in your diet then it will make a positive difference in your height. There are three important factors that help to determine your height is gene, food, and lifestyle. Having proper food is the primary necessity to increase your height. You can also perform various exercises like stretching which will help you to increase your height. According to recent research, children who attend regular stretching classes in NYC are able to get their desired height. By performing various exercises you will strengthen your muscles which are responsible for height gain.

As you know, having proper food is also important to increase your height. For your own benefit, you have listed down some of the food items which will help you to increase your height.


There are so many amazing benefits of eating green vegetables regularly. You will get daily nutrients like protein, mineral, and iron from vegetables. Green vegetables will help you with the overall development and growth. If you are adding green vegetables in your diet then it will help you in digestion and keeps you full.


You should definitely add seasonal fruits in your diet so that you can get different health benefits. As most fruits are naturally low in fat and sugar which will prevent you from cholesterol and diabetes. This will also protect you from various heart diseases like heart attack and stroke. Make sure that you add different fruits like papaya, oranges, mango, and apricots.


Fish like tuna, salmon, and sardine are rich in protein. These also include omega-3 fatty acids which are best for eyes and brain. Some health specialists believe that fish is the healthiest food on the planet so including fish in your diet is a must. As many children are dealing with day to day pressure in their growing stage, fish will decrease the risk of depression.


Chicken is the best source of protein. This is also a healthier food habit which will ensure a good body and better immunity. As chicken contain high protein it will help you in weight loss and improve your height. If you are adding chicken in your diet then it will help you to increase your metabolism. Chicken will not only help you to boost your immunity but also improve your nervous system.


There are so many interesting benefits of whole grains. These are rich in fiber, vitamins, iron, and magnesium. If you are adding whole grains to your diet then it will help you reduce your blood cholesterol. You can also add whole grain bread to your diet which will give you larger health benefits.

Monday, 14 January 2019


These days most of the people struggle with maintaining fitness levels owing to the sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits. Even if you regularly go to the gym maintaining your fitness levels is not an easy task. If you work out daily having nutritious diet should be your priority as the saying goes, “abs are made in the kitchen”. Exercising and eating healthy is the key to stay fit, optimistic and energetic. However, some people might find it difficult to manage their daily work and exercising as it needs time and dedication.

Losing weight is not that easy, however, it is not impossible either with sheer determination and hard work you can surely lose those extra pounds. With the right diet and workout regime, you can surely lose weight however; you do not want to gain weight any time soon that is why maintaining fitness levels is important.

Undoubtedly, the fitness trend has taken over the New York City for good. More and more people are trying their best to maintain ideal body weight. You can find affordable fitness classes in NYC to start a healthy and fit lifestyle. However, maintaining fitness is more than your workout sessions or routine. Here are 5 ways that can reap benefits when it comes to maintaining fitness levels.


Exercising and working out daily is a lifestyle that means you need to schedule your workout and why not? It makes everything easier and you are more likable to achieve your fitness goals this way. Make sure you include some kind of physical activity in your workout regimen. 
Preparing a workout routine will only help you in achieving the desired results in a more precised way.


Once you are done with your workout routine you would also have to set your fitness goals. Until and unless you are not clear about what kind of fitness you want to achieve you will be struggling all the way. 
But make sure your goals are real and attainable. This will not only keep you determined but will also inspire you everyday especially when you start seeing results.


In order to lose weight, you shall be eating 500 fewer calories than you every day calorie requirement. Keeping a track of what you are eating and the calorie intake will help you in achieving the desired results and maintain fitness levels. The key is to eat healthy food that has fewer calories but fills up your stomach. Try to cut down your portion, but eat healthily.


Motivation is important in every sphere; however, with fitness motivation plays a very important role. Motivation helps you in staying positive and positive attitude keeps you going and do even better. 
Spend your time with people who keep you positive and happy. Set goals and inspirations all this will keep you motivated all the way.


Sleep is very important as it relaxes your mind, body, and soul. Sleeping for at least 7-8 hours every day is a must. It not only reflects on your body but the mind as well. And healthy ‘mind and body’ is what a fit person should have.
Adequate sleep will help you do the best the very next day along with that the right sleeping pattern is important too.

According to studies, a sleep of at least 7-8 hours can help you in maintaining your waistline.